
Note: I stole it from Ezra blog.

Write a poem:

I presented the pistol.
I wrote because I want dizzy
Fame you my three teresa.
To the prince of the countess
I have to get your brute
Garlic Onions
In your gown, smile using teeth.
That's why I want from Zé, that you have beer that I like.

Last Phone Call:
Somebody asking that if there's Lvdo and yes. Probably a fanatic.
Last album you listened to:
Laffe The Fox - Last Tear to Fill the Cup of Emptiness

Are you a virgin?
I'm horny
Have you lose someone special?
I became really sad when Krarrosu died. But the worst thing is that I predicted his death before.
favorite colors?
pink,purple,black and green
Met someone who changed you in the past month?
Do you have any pets?
A dog named Dog. He is the master of the Frontflip.
What did you do for your last birthday?
Just editing some videos and nothing :p
Name something you CANNOT wait for:

Making videos and furry conventions.
Most visited website?
The kaoss edge website.
A kaoss edge logo at the back :p. It's temporary ok?


How do you want to die?
Live until 200 years old. A impossible challenge haha

16. What makes you happy?

17. Best Friend?
My brother Lvdo,my friends Laffe,Egylon and all of the furry fandom community!


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