What Math Really Is?

Hello? Sorry for that blogs,I was really testing of these haha. So,something happened today. I was studying math but my red pencil got cursed and written a strange language. But I noticed that is Portuguese but with a different accent.
And that pencil wrote a flipped text. But when i came home it was written like that:;
"Hello Foffi.
Your Red Pencil was cursed because has identified math questions
They are appreciated by theses G.A.O.T.U followers of the 666th grade. It's to know how G.A.O.T.U. is incredible with theses numbers and symbols. BUT G.A.O.T.U. DOESNT EXIST! It's just like their religion rules. It's called MATHONARY (known as Masonry).
It begins with "1+1 = 2,2 - 2 = 0,5 x 5 = 25",but at 666th grade...The bitching starts. It's to declare all your love to G.A.O.T.U.,the God that doesn't exist at all. It's too ridiculous that we created that red pen that identified math lessons and destroy the page writing Portuguese texts saying no to math. Do you liked that idea? Contact us at fursonapensatgmaildotcom"

Okay,so,basically. The company called Fursona Pens. And created a object that identifiers math lessons and convert into this thing. Ok,thats spiritual. I really don't like math.


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